Find answers to your questions below, or reach out to us at buzzbustersburlington@gmail.com

  • Is the application safe for kids?

    Yes! Our products are made of natural organic oils that are non-toxic.

  • Will rain ruin the application?

    No, the product is highly rain resistant and can even be applied during misty days. We do however monitor rain totals and alter sprays if it starts to deminish the quality of your last app.

  • Is it safe for pets?

    Yes! It is non-toxic to pets

  • How many applications are there?

    7 monthly sprays (about 3-6 weeks apart)

  • Do I need to sign a contract?

    No. There is no contract and you may cancel at anytime.

  • How fast does it work?

     It works on contact and you'll notice the real difference in the first 24 hours

  • What can I expect for results?

    Customers see a rough average of 80% reduction in ticks and mosquitoes on their property. Being a non-pesticide product, there may always be a few stragglers around dawn and dusk, but the trade off is you wont be exposed to any harsh chemicals.

  • How do I pay?

    You can choose to either be billed monthly or prepay for the season